We are a church family, learning to follow Jesus together.
One way we do that is by sharing what the Lord is doing in the lives of our 26 West Church brothers and sisters. Read the stories below to be encouraged and challenged in your own faith walk.

Phil and Janet VanWormer
Phil and Janet VanWormer have been an integral part of the 26 West Church family since roughly six months after the church’s planting. For nearly a decade, they have taken on the role of community group leaders, a position that has profoundly impacted both their personal relationships with Jesus and their view on the importance of community.

Olivia Lucia
This year’s Youth Camp was extraordinary for several reasons. One of the most significant moments for Olivia Lucia was watching a close friend surrender her life to Jesus.

Tim Reed
If we don’t stay anchored to God’s Word and the community of God’s people, we will be swept away by the tide of life. Tim Reed’s story is a tribute to this truth: after living waywardly in his late teenage and early adult years, he rediscovered the Scriptures and the community of God's people—which profoundly changed his life.

Casey and David Millot
Casey and David admit that their early adult years, before marriage and kids, paved the way for them to be the intentional parents they are today. Through the challenges and joys of parenting, they have encountered a richness in their spiritual lives that has illuminated the depths of God's boundless love in ways they had not experienced before.

Olivia Skal
Olivia Skal shares the incredible story of how God aligned all the details in her move from Pittsburgh to Hillsboro to begin seminary. Singleness wouldn't have been the path she'd have chosen, but she has embraced her current season and opened her heart to God's good plan for her life.

Brett and Elly Brady
Brett and Elly Brady have walked the long road of infertility. After years of trying to expand their family through adoption and IVF, they finally welcomed their son, Liam into the world in a way only God could have done.

Marcus and Hannah Huenergardt
Marcus and Hannah Huenergaurt were both in their 30s when they got married, and while the timing looked different than they had anticipated, they can see how God worked through that season for their good and His glory.

Jonathan Anderson
Jon Anderson has walked the hard road of grief after losing his best friend to suicide. Hear how God has met him in the middle of the mess and the value of praying, even when our circumstances don’t change.

Dave Logan
After years of living life his own way, denying God, and finding temporary satisfaction in drugs and alcohol, Dave Logan heard God knocking on his heart to let Him in. Read Dave’s story about surrendering his life to Jesus, taking the step towards baptism, and his experience at Alpha.

Monte and Margaret Rhoads
When they married at 17 and 20, Margaret and Monte Rhoads had no idea how God would use them or what He would teach them. Over the course of their 44 years as husband and wife, two pillars have led and shaped their lives together as a married couple, and in their individual walks with Jesus: commitment and family. Read more about their story here!