Olivia Lucia
This year’s Youth Camp was extraordinary for several reasons. One of the most significant moments for Olivia Lucia was watching a close friend surrender her life to Jesus.
Olivia is heading into her senior year of high school next month. Her family has been with 26 West Church since its beginning, joining the church shortly after it was planted in 2012. She has been heavily involved in the youth program for several years, and recently attended Youth Camp at the end of June.
This year, Ryan selected several students to share a short message during each morning session. Olivia was one of the selected students.
Olivia sees immense importance in students attending camp, especially in terms of building a deeper community with youth from all over the city, not just within our church family. The cabin times were incredibly valuable, fostering deep, meaningful conversations. Worship sessions and teaching moments also stood out, creating an atmosphere of spiritual growth and connection for students. The unique setting of camp, away from everyday distractions, allowed for an intense focus on Jesus, strengthened bonds with like-minded peers, and honest conversations about what it truly means to follow the Lord.
Olivia has been faithfully praying for a close friend of hers to attend camp over the last three years. Various obstacles, from illness to scheduling conflicts, kept making it difficult for her friend to join her at camp. But this year, God opened the door through a free schedule and a camp scholarship that made it possible for her to finally participate. Though familiar with church and having attended youth events at 26 West a few times, her friend had not yet embraced Jesus or aligned her life with Christian values-she hadn’t had her own Bible until she received one the week before camp.
Throughout the week at camp, Olivia got to share the Good News with her friend and witness her open her heart to receive Jesus. From Monday to Friday, her life was radically transformed and fully surrendered to the Lord. Olivia has already seen her begin to reevaluate things in her life that don’t reflect the life of a Jesus follower. Seeing her long-held prayers for this friend finally answered was profoundly moving to Olivia.
The theme for camp this year was drawn from Psalm 69v9: “zeal for your house consumes me”. Olivia was pleasantly surprised by the balanced approach of the camp's teachings, catering to both newcomers in the faith and those ready to deepen their commitment. At camp, Olivia experienced a gentle yet powerful affirmation of faith. For her, it wasn’t about dramatic revelations but a quiet, consistent reminder of God’s presence. Supporting her friend and witnessing her transformation was a testament to God's work, and strengthened Olivia’s own faith in Jesus.
Returning home from camp, Olivia felt a mix of sadness and a strong desire to continue the spiritual momentum. She believes that overcoming the "camp high" involves maintaining daily habits of prayer, Bible reading, and staying connected with the church community. While regular youth gatherings have been on pause for the summer, in an effort to stay connected to each other and keep the spirit of camp alive, Olivia and a friend recently organized a youth bonfire, complete with worship and Bible discussions. They are also working to plan a youth worship night and potential service projects to serve their city and deepen their faith together.
For those who have never attended camp, Olivia’s advice is simple: try it. She also encourages her fellow youth students to pray about inviting their friends to camp next year, or upcoming youth events. The impact of an invitation can be life-changing, as she witnessed with her own friend. Prayer is a powerful tool, as demonstrated in Olivia’s life, from dreaming and organizing youth activities to guiding her post-senior year decisions that she’ll soon be making. God’s faithfulness, even in moments of uncertainty, is a constant source of strength for her.
Reflecting on this year’s camp and her overall journey with youth group activities, Olivia’s key takeaway is the transformative power of community and faith. The connections made, the prayers shared, and the collective worship experiences are what make these moments unforgettable. As she moves forward, staying rooted in these practices will help sustain the spiritual growth sparked by such impactful experiences.
Students don’t have to wait until next year’s camp to get involved or invite friends. Weekly youth gatherings will kick off again on September 4th, providing a regular opportunity to connect and grow. Plus, Olivia and her friends are planning a youth worship night towards the end of this month. Stay tuned for more details. God is clearly moving in the lives of Gen Z!