The Parent Weekly for September 18th, God Made Our World (part 2)


What we learned today

Big Idea: God Made Our World (part 2)

Genesis 1v1—2v3 In six days, God created our world. Everything from the heavens and earth to the animals and people who inhabit it—the Lord created them all. On the seventh day He rested. God has entrusted His creation to our care.

Where we’re headed next time

Big Idea: God Made People (part 1)

Genesis 1v26–31; 2v4–25. On the sixth day, God gave the first man the breath of life. God named him Adam. The Lord saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so He created Eve. Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden where they walked and talked with God.

Dig into God’s Word

  • Read Genesis 2v7; 218–23. Remind your children that God made them and loves them.

Connect as a family

It may seem that your child wants to touch, smell, or taste everything he comes in contact with. Sensory experiences help him learn about the world around him and remind him that God created the world and everything in it.

  • Who made you?

  • God made you!


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

Open a Bible and read Psalm 139v14a: “I praise you because I am fearfully and 
wonderfully made.”

Blastoff! Studio

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The Parent Weekly for September 18th, God is Eternal


The Parent Weekly for September 11th, God Made Our World (part 1)