The Parent Weekly for October 8th, God is Provider


What we learned today

Big Idea: God is Provider

Wandering. Exodus 15v22—17v7. God provided food and water for His people while they were in the desert.

Where we're headed next time

Big Idea: God is the One True God

Ten Commandments. Exodus 19—20. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

Did you know?

Share these facts to get the conversation started:

  • Of the Ten Commandments, the first four commandments focus on relationship with God.

  • The fifth commandment focuses on our relationship with parents.

  • The last five commandments focus on our relationship with one another.

  • As the laws stood, they only brought knowledge of sin. God knew this, so He sent the Holy Spirit to enable us to obey the law that He writes on our hearts (Hebrews 8v10).

Connect as a family

At bedtime, read Exodus 20v1–17. Share that just as your family has guidelines, such as a set bedtime, God gave His people guidelines to live by too. Ask your kids to tell you which commandment stood out to them. Share with them which one stood out to you. Also share that these commandments pointed the Israelites toward worshipping God as the one true God. Remind your kids that the Holy Spirit helps us to worship God as the one true God.

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:

  • Why did God give His people the Ten Commandments?

  • How can we love God?

  • How can we love others?

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about God is the One True God into your everyday life as a family.


Blessings are often used in the Bible. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God gives new life into your everyday life as a family.

A blessing to pray over your child: (Child’s name), may you walk in all of God’s ways and obey His commands. May you serve God with all of your heart and all of your soul.

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The Parent Weekly for October 15th, God is the One True God


The Parent Weekly for October 8th, God is Mighty