The Parent Weekly for October 23rd, Feast of Passover: Remembering and Celebrating God as Deliverer


What we learned today

Big Idea: Remember & Celebrate

Feast of Passover: Remembering and Celebrating God as Deliverer

Where we're headed next time

Big Idea: God is faithful. Jacob

Genesis. 27v41—28v17; 32—33. Jacob wrestles with God, refusing to let go until God blesses him. God reunites Jacob and Esau, repairing the relationship between the brothers.

Did you know?

Share these facts to get the conversation started:

  • Jacob wrestled all night long with God, who came to him in the form of a man.

  • Jacob refused to let go of God until God blessed him.

  • God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, which means “one who strives after God.”

  • From that point forward, Jacob had a permanent limp—a physical reminder of his encounter with God.

Connect as a family

As you tuck your children into bed at night, tell them what you’re about to read also happened at night. God came to Jacob as he was going to sleep. Read the biblical account
of God and Jacob wrestling in Genesis 32. If your children are old enough, have them read parts of the passage out loud themselves. When you’re finished, ask your children if they have any thoughts or questions about the text. Remind them the Bible is true, and God still wants to meet with us today.

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:

  • How did God meet with Jacob?

  • What did Jacob ask for?

  • How does God meet with us today?

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God is faithful into your everyday life as a family.


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

A blessing to pray over your child:(Child’s name), may you see God’s faithfulness in your life. May you praise Him for His goodness and love.

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The Parent Weekly for October 23rd, God Cares for Me (part 2)


The Parent Weekly for October 16th, God is Lord