The Parent Weekly for November 13th, God Saves


What we learned today

Big Idea: God saves

Joseph (Part 2) Genesis 42—47; 50. God reunites Joseph and his family.

Where we're headed next time

Big Idea: God is I am

Moses. Exodus 1—4. God calls Moses to bring about His incredible plan to reveal Himself to His people and save them from bondage.

Did you know?

Share these facts to get the conversation started:

  • When Moses saw the burning bush, he was tending sheep in the desert of Midian.

  • The angel of the Lord (God) revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush.

  • God gave Moses several miraculous signs to show the Israelite people to encourage them to follow him out of Egypt.

  • When the Israelites realized that God had heard their cries, they worshipped Him.

Connect as a family

Take your kids outside (in your backyard, to a park, or to another outdoor space) and tell them to look for the best bush they can find. Once they have selected a bush, sit down beside it together and read Exodus 3v1–12. Ask your kids to imagine how they would feel if this bush suddenly caught fire and God started talking to them. Ask them to imagine how Moses must have felt when this happened.

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:

  • Who was talking to Moses from the burning bush?

  • What did God tell Moses to do?

  • How do you think God might want to use you?

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about God Is I am into your everyday life as a family.


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

A blessing to pray over your child:(Child’s name), may God show Himself to you more and more this week. May you praise Him as I AM.

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The Parent Weekly for November 13th, God is worshipped


The Parent Weekly for November 6th, God Speaks (part 2)