The Parent Weekly for June 9th, God is Powerful (part 2)


What we learned today

Big Idea: God is Powerful (part 2)

1 Samuel 16—17. God had rejected Saul as king and sent Samuel to the house of Jesse where he would choose Israel’s new king. Samuel anointed David. God’s Spirit was on David and when he fought Goliath, David was victorious.

Where we’re headed next time

Big Idea: God takes care of me (part 1)

1 Kings 17v1–6. Elijah obeyed God’s words. Everything happened just as God had said. The ravens brought Elijah bread and meat to eat and he drank from the brook. God took care of Elijah.

Dig into God’s Word

  • Read Mark 4v35–41. After reading, remind your child that God used the ravens to bring food for Elijah every day.

Connect as a family

Your child’s imagination is developing. During mealtime, allow your child to use her fork to “fly” her food to her mouth like the ravens flew to bring Elijah’s food.

  • Who took care of Elijah while he was hiding at the brook?

  • God cared for Elijah by sending the ravens to bring food.


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

Open a Bible and read 1 John 4v8b: “God is love.”

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The Parent Weekly for June 16th, God takes care of me (part 1)


The Parent Weekly for June 9th, God’s Spirit Unifies, part 1