The Parent Weekly for June 5th (Remember and Celebrate: God is with us)


What we learned today

Big Idea: Remember and Celebrate: God is with us

Where we’re headed next time

Big Idea: God is Powerful (part 1)

1 Samuel 16—17. God had rejected Saul as king and sent Samuel to the house of Jesse where he would choose Israel’s new king. Samuel anointed David. God’s Spirit was on David and when he fought Goliath, David was victorious.

Just for Parents

God has given parents the privilege of being the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith.

The Parent Weekly is designed to reinforce that truth by encouraging your family to have time in God’s Word before your child attends church each week. It will provide you with ways to introduce The Big God Story and have age-appropriate conversations with your little one as you prepare her for what she will be experiencing in church for the next four weeks.

Research has shown that children between the ages of two and four learn best through repetition. Because of this, TruBlessings will spend two weeks on the same part of The Big God Story and the Big Idea.

Each week you will receive a new Blessing. A blessing is a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words of encouragement and guidance. While giving the blessing, you may desire to lay hands on your child as you speak the Scripture or pray a prayer over him.

Hamilton the Hedgehog will play a role in your child’s experience in church each week—be sure to ask about him. He loves to Dig into God’s Word. The passage of Scripture provided will assist you as you reinforce the Big Idea. Did You Know? has fun facts about this part of The Big God Story for you to share with your child. And Connect as a Familly is simply a conversation starter to assist you as you spiritually parent.

Dig into God’s Word

  • Read 1 Samuel 17v32–37.

  • After reading, remind your child that David wasn’t afraid because he knew God is more powerful than Goliath.

Connect as a family

Your child may enjoy looking at his reflection. Allow him to see his own power by flexing his muscles in a mirror.

  • Why were the Israelites afraid of Goliath?

  • How did David beat Goliath?


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

Open a Bible and read Psalm 68v35b: “The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!”

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The Parent Weekly for June 5th (The Big God Story: Genesis—Revelation)


The Parent Weekly for May 22nd (Jesus is Freedom) (Copy)