The Parent Weekly for January 26th, Jesus is God
What we’re learning this week
Big Idea: Jesus is God (part 2)
Matthew 8v23–27; Mark 4v35–41 Jesus calms the storm with just three words: “Quiet! Be still!” Jesus can control nature—He can save the world.
Where we’re headed next time
Big Idea: Jesus Cares (part 1)
Matthew 14v13–21; Mark 6v30–44; Luke 9v10–17; John 6v1–15 Jesus cared so much for the crowd following Him that He taught the people, healed them, and fed them. Jesus provides abundantly for us because He cares for us.
Dig into God’s Word
Read Mark 6v34.
Let your child know that a shepherd’s job is to take care of the sheep and keep them safe.
Connect as a Family
Your child enjoys music and can perform simple hand motions. Sing “Jesus Loves Me” and make up some gestures your child can imitate.
Why did Jesus feed the crowd?
Because Jesus cared for them!
Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.
Open a Bible and read Psalm 23v1:“The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.”