The Parent Weekly for February 9th, God Blesses
What we’re learning this week
Big Idea: God Blesses
Solomon, Part 1. 1 Kings 1—6. God offers to give Solomon anything he wants, and Solomon asks for wisdom. God blesses Solomon with wisdom and more.
Where we’re headed next time
Big Idea: God is Trustworthy
Solomon, Part 2. 1 Kings 7—11. Solomon, in the beginning, serves God, but ultimately disobeys Him and allows the people to worship false gods.
Did you know?
Share these facts to get the conversation started:
During Solomon’s reign, God blessed him with wisdom and wealth. God also blessed the nation with peace.
Solomon’s falling away from God was a very great, very public, very tragic happening.
God had given Solomon a great responsibility and had entrusted him with His people, yet Solomon ultimately gave little regard to this privilege.
Connect as a family
Gather your family and read 1 Kings 8v22–30; 11v9–13. Give each family member a piece of blank paper and some crayons or markers. Have each person draw a heart on both sides of the paper. On one side of the paper, each person should write about or draw a picture or an area of his life where he feels he’s given his heart to God. Then each person should turn over her paper and write about or draw an area of her life that she’s struggling to turn over to God. Pray about those areas together, and ask God to help all of you trust Him with your whole heart.
After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:
What was the main thing God wanted from Solomon?
What does God want from us?
What are some ways we can give God our whole heart?
These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God Is Trustworthy into your everyday life as a family.
Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.
A blessing to pray over your child: (Child’s name), may you seek God with your whole heart and life. May you follow Him and trust Him each day.