The Parent Weekly for April 3rd (Jesus seeks and saves)


What we learned today

Big Idea: Jesus seeks and saves

Zacchaeus. Luke 19v1–10. Jesus went to Zaccheaus’ house.

Where we're headed next time

Big Idea:  Jesus is king

Palm Sunday. Matthew 21v1–11; John 12v12–19. Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the crowd shouted "Hosanna" in praise.

Did you know?

Share these facts to get the conversation started:

  • As Jesus approached Jerusalem, crowds scurried to cut palm branches and wave them over Him as He entered the city. Palm branches were used to symbolize Jewish pride, and Israelites would only cover the ground with them for honorable and worthy individuals. 

  • Laying the palm branches for Jesus implied that the Israelites perceived Jesus to be a king coming to rescue them. 

  • The people cried out, “Hosanna,” which means, “Save us” or “Rescue us.” The people shouted it in celebration, as if to say, “Hooray—He is here to save us!” 

  • Jesus came to restore a broken relationship between mankind and God. Instead of bringing a sword as a warrior king, Jesus brought a message of peace and humility for true salvation.

Connect as a family

This week, give each of your children the opportunity to become “King” or “Queen” for the day! Allow them to choose their favorite meal or dessert—maybe even both. Let them pick their favorite game. Find ways to give them the royal treatment. Then tell them you’re going to read a part of The Big God Story in which Jesus revealed that He is King. Read Matthew 21v1–11; John 12v12–19. Discuss with your children that God’s people were looking for a king to come save them from the Romans. They didn’t understand that Jesus had come to bring peace and lay down His life for them. 

After reading the Scripture passage, discuss these questions together:

  • What surprised people about Jesus?

  • What would you have done if you had been there that day?

  • How does knowing that Jesus is King change how you view situations in life? 

These questions can easily extend into the rest of the week. Look for opportunities to bring conversations about how God seeks and saves into your everyday life as a family.   


Blessings are often used in the Bible. A blessing can be a prayer of commission, a portion of Scripture, or words to encourage and guide.

A blessing to pray over your child:(Child’s name), may King Jesus show you that He is worthy of your worship today and every day. May you praise Him for being your King.

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The Parent Weekly for April 3rd (Jesus is King)


The Parent Weekly for March 27th (Jesus is King)